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Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF Download

Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF Download: Students of Standard 12 can now download Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript question and answers pdf from the links provided below in this article. Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answer pdf will help the students prepare thoroughly for the upcoming Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript exams.

Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers

Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript question and answers consists of questions asked in the previous exams along with the solutions for each question. To help them get a grasp of chapters, frequent practice is vital. Practising these questions and answers regularly will help the reading and writing skills of students. Moreover, they will get an idea on how to answer the questions during examinations. So, let them solve Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript questions and answers to help them secure good marks in class tests and exams.


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Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF Download

We have provided below the question and answers of Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript study material which can be downloaded by you for free. These Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and answers will contain important questions and answers and have been designed based on the latest Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript, books and syllabus. You can click on the links below to download the Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF. 

Question 1. Among the following which one is the most correct. JavaScript is used mostly at the (a) client-side (b) server-side (c) client-side and server-side Answer: (a) client-side Question 2. Name the tag that is used to embed scripts in a web page. Answer: welcome Answer: welcome welcome Question 37. Following is the web page that accepts a string from a text box, converts in to upper case and display it on the screen. Complete the missing portion in the page. Answer: It will not display anything on the screen. This code snippet contains a function that will not do anything unless it is invoked(called). Question 6. Write the output of the following web page: show(); show(); Answer: The output is as follows welcome to JavaScript welcome to JavaScript The message repeats 2 times. Question 7. Among the following, identify the data types used in JavaScript int, float, number, char, boolean, long Answer: From the list there is only two, number and boolean are the types used in JavaScript. Question 8. Write the output of the following web page and justify your answer. Answer: x = “10” means x is a string variable y = “20” means y is a string variable x + y means the string x and y will be concatenated Hence it displays 1020 Question 9. What do you mean by Scripts? Explain? Answer: Scripts are small programs embedded in the HTML pages.
Enter the score
Question 7. Create a web page to display the squares of first 10 numbers Answer: JavaScript- squares Question 8. Create a web page to display even numbers up to 10. Answer: JavaScript- squares vari; i=2; while(i<=10) { document.write(i); document.write(“
”); i +=2; } Question 9. Following web page is used to show “Passed” or “Failed” based on a mark. Mark’less than 30 is cosidered as failed. There are some errors in the code. Correct them. Plus Two Computer Science Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Five Mark Questions and Answers Question 1. Consider the following declarations vara, b, c, d; a = “BVM”; b = 100; c = true; d = 3.14157; Predict the output of the following document.write(typeof(a)); (1) document.write(typeof(b)); (1) document.write(typeof(c)); (1) document.write(typeof(d)); (1) document.write(typeof(e)); (1) Answer: string number boolean number undefined Question 2. Create a web page to print the day of a week Answer: JavaScript- day
Question 3. What is the operator? Explain in detail. Answer: Operators are the symbols used to perform an operation 1. Arithmetic operators: It is a binary operator. It is used to perform addition(+), subtraction(-), division (/), multiplication (*), modulus(%-gives the remainder), increment(++) and decrement(- -) operations. Eg. If x = 10andy = 3then Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript 5M Q3 lf x = 10 then document.write(++x); → It prints 10 + 1 = 11 If x = 10 then document.write(x++); → It prints 10 itself. If x = 10 then document.write(—x); It prints 10 – 1 = 9 If x = 10 then document.write(x—); → It prints 10 itself. 2. Assignment operators: If a = 10 and b = 3 then a = b. This statement sets the value of a and b are same,i.e. it sets a to 3. It is also called short hands lf X = 10 and Y = 3 then Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript 5M Q3.1 3. Relational(Comparision) operators: It is used to perform comparison or relational operation between two values and returns either true or false. Eg: if X =10 and Y = 3 then Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript 5M Q3.2 4. Logical operators: Here AND(&&), OR(||) are binary operators and NOT (!) is a unary operator. It is used to combine relational operations and it gives either true or false If X = true and Y = false then Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript 5M Q3.3 Both operands must be true to get a true value in the case of AND(&&) operation. If X = true and Y = false then Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript 5M Q3.4 Either one of the operands must be true to get true value in the case of OR(||) operation If X = true and Y = false then Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript 5M Q3.5 5. String addition operator(+): This is also called concatenation operator. joins(concatenates)two strings and forms a string. Eg: var x, y, z; x = “BVM HSS; y = “Kalparamba”; z = x + y; Here the variable z becomes “BVM HSS Kalparamba”. Note: If both the operands are numbers then addition operator(+) produces number as a result otherwise it produces string as a result. Consider the following Plus Two Computer Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript 5M Q3.6 Question 4. Write down the control structures used in JavaScript. Answer: Control structures in JavaScript, In general, the execution of the program is sequential, we can change the normal execution by using the control structures. 1. simple if Syntax: if(test expression) { statements; } First, the test expression is evaluated, if it is true then the statement block will be executed otherwise not. if-else Syntax: if(test expression) { statement block1; } else { statement block2; } First, the test expression is evaluated, if it is true then the statement block1 will be executed otherwise statement block2 will be evaluated. 2. switch: It is a multiple branch statement. Its syntax is given below, switch (expression) { case value1: statements;break; case value2: statements;break; case value3: statements;break; case value4: statements;break; case value5: statements;break; default: statements; } First expression evaluated and selects the statements with matched case value. Eg. switch (n) { case 1: cout << “Sunday”;break; case 2: cout << “Monday”;break; case 3: cout << “Tuesday”;break; case 4: cout << “Wednesday”;break; case 5: cout << “Thursday”;break; case 6: cout << “Friday”;break; case 7: cout << “Saturday”;break; default: cout << “lnvalid” } 3. for loop If a statement wants to execute more than once. Loop is used. for loop is an entry controlled loop. The syntax of for loop is given below For(initialisation; testing; updation) { Body of the for loop; } while loop If a statement wants to execute more than once Loop is used. It is also an entry controlled loop The syntax is given below Loop variable initialised while(expression) { Body of the loop; Update loop variable; } Here the loop variable must be initialised outside the while loop. Then the expression is evaluated if it is true then only the body of the loop will be executed and the loop variable must be updated inside the body. The body of the loop will be executed until the expression becomes false. Question 5. Write down the different mouse events used in JavaScript. Answer: Different mouse events and their description is given below Event Description onClick It occurs when the user clicks on an object by using mouse on mouse enter It occurs when the mouse pointer is moved onto an object on mouse leave It occurs when the mouse pointer is moved out of an object onKeyDown It occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard on KeyUp It occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard Question 6. Create a web page that displays the capital of a state. Answer: JavaScript

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Benefits of the Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF

The Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF that has been provided above is extremely helpful for all students because of the way it has been drafted. It is designed by teachers who have over 10 years of experience in the field of education. These teachers use the help of all the past years’ question papers to create the perfect Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF.

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You can download Plus Two Computer Science Chapter 6 Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript Question and Answers PDF for the latest 2021 session.

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